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Community Cultural Development Project Manager, Workshop Facilitator, and Teaching Artist

Lena holds a Masters in Primary School Teaching, a Bachelor of Arts in Music Industry, an Advance Diploma in Music Performance (Jazz Singing),
and has studied Community Cultural Development at post graduate level.  

With over 20 years of working in the Education and Arts sector, Lena specialises in music education and linkages with wellbeing, community development and social and emotional outcomes. She works with themes around culture, pride, and wellbeing through engagement with singing, songwriting, African Drumming and songs from around the globe.

Lena has worked at the Victorian College of the Arts, RMIT, and International Development Project (IDP) Education Australia. She specialises in creating community and school projects that celebrate culture, engagement and togetherness through engagement in music and art making.

As an educator and creative cultural development worker, Lena worked with The Song Room from 2010-2018
to create and manage over 150 arts programs in schools across Australia. Event management has included
performances with up to 800 children at venues such as Melbourne Town Hall, Deakin Edge, The National Gallery of Victoria, The Recital Centre and Riverlinks Shepparton.  Lena continues to work with the Song Room as a Teaching Artist and Teacher Mentor.

Since 2015, Lena has been teaching music at Taradale Primary School in Regional Victoria. In 2020, Lena joined the teaching team at Spring Gully Primary School, and working as a freelancing Teaching Artist, Lena also creates and delivers tailor made music lessons, mentoring and professional development workshops for teachers and educational institutions across Australia.